The Universal Laws are powerful forces that transcend the physical plane and govern all aspects of existence. These laws apply not just to the physical world we live in, but to every other plane of existence as well. They serve a singular purpose: to guide both nature and humanity toward their ultimate goal—**Agape**, or unconditional love.
Each plane of existence has its own distinct purpose, and the key to living life fully is understanding that purpose and aligning with it. For us, humans, the physical plane is the most apparent realm we navigate daily. While the physical plane is ruled by its own set of laws—like gravity and time—these are merely subsets of the broader **Universal Laws** that govern all planes simultaneously.
### **The Conflict Between Agape and Material Wealth**
If the highest goal is Agape, why then do we, as humans, chase material wealth so fervently? Why does wealth hold so much power over us that we equate success with how much we accumulate?
This question leads us to two key drivers of human behavior: **fear** and **greed**. While fear is present in all living creatures, greed is uniquely human. And it’s greed that pulls us away from our true purpose—Agape. Greed distorts our understanding of success, making us believe that wealth is the ultimate achievement, even though none of it can be carried beyond this plane of existence.
But as with anything in evolution, mankind’s skewed approach has given rise to a new hybrid goal—**Material Agape**. This is essentially the unconditional love of material wealth. In today’s world, we refer to it as **financial freedom**.
### **Is It Wrong to Pursue Material Agape?**
Some might wonder whether pursuing material wealth contradicts our higher spiritual purpose. My view? Not at all. This is simply another byproduct of human evolution. Just as we’ve adapted in countless ways to survive and thrive, we’ve recalibrated our goals to fit the world we live in.
So long as we adhere to both **Physical** and **Universal Laws**, pursuing Material Agape is not only acceptable—it’s recommended. The key lies in how we pursue it.
### **Attaining Material Agape—Instantaneously**
Once we’ve clarified our goal, the next question is, how do we achieve it—fast? Like any goal, it must be **SMART**: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Repeatable, and Tangible.
One crucial distinction to make is that financial goals are unique to humanity. No other species on this planet concerns itself with material wealth.
Therefore, the path to **Material Agape (MA)** is inherently tied to improving mankind itself.
This is where an important Universal Law comes into play: **The Library of Universal Data**. This law states that the right data will become available to a person precisely when they need it—neither sooner nor later. Understanding this law allows us to consciously call upon the data we need to achieve Material Agape. This isn’t about bombarding yourself with random get-rich-quick schemes. It’s about **targeted data**—focused, relevant insights that will guide you toward your goal.
### **How Teaching Others Leads to Wealth**
In the context of improving mankind, it becomes clear that helping others achieve Material Agape is actually the path to attaining it yourself. Think of it this way: self-help gurus, financial mentors, and life coaches thrive not because they hoard their wealth-building strategies, but because they teach others how to achieve financial success. In doing so, they align with the Universal Laws, particularly the law of **Karma**.
By helping others reach their goals in a way that respects these Universal Laws, you not only fulfill your own financial ambitions but also do so with a clear conscience.
### **The Roadmap to Material Agape**
Once you’ve understood that Material Agape is achievable through alignment with Universal Laws, the next step is simple: **teach others**. Share your knowledge of how to gain wealth while remaining in harmony with the Universal Laws.
In doing so, you are not just chasing material wealth for yourself—you are uplifting others and contributing to mankind's journey toward Material Agape. And the best part? You’re doing so while staying true to your higher purpose, moving through life with both material success and spiritual clarity.
The secret is simple: respect the Universal Laws, pursue Material Agape with integrity, and help others along the way. In this way, you’ll achieve both financial freedom and a deeper sense of fulfillment.